
Some Guiding Principles...

...when learning how to write a research report in English (especially if English is not your native language):

1. The more you try to write, the more you learn how to write.
The best way for you to write better English is to write English! I will use a lot of red ink and make MANY comments to help you improve your writing. That is they only way I can help you directly.

2. Try to write in English first.
I know it's hard! Think about what you want to write in Japanese, but when you start writing, try to write English sentences.

If you want to say something complicated, write in Japanese first if necessary. But then don't try to translate every word exactly! 一字一句を直訳しないで、同じ思いを英語でどうかけばいいか、考えて書き直す。The important thing is to express your thought clearly. Use the Japanese as a guide, not as a rigid constraint. 元の文章に束縛されず、道しるべとして使う。

3. Think before you write!
If your idea is clear, it will not be very hard to write it in English. But, if your idea is not clear, it will be very hard to make it clear in English!

This class will focus on helping you write your reports. But you will have to do the hard thinking work by yourself. (Elizabeth Tornquist has some good things to say about this on pp. 4-5 of your textbook.)

4. Simple is best.
Both in English and Japanese. Use short sentences. Let a sentence express only one relationship or thought. Break longer sentences into shorter sentences. Here is a good rule: If you have more than two commas, more than two ‘and’s, or more than two ‘but’s in a sentence, think about rewriting it! 1つの文章には2つ以上のカンマや2つ以上のandおよびbutがあったら、書き直すべきかもしれない。日本語でも、同じ文章に「なので」「ながら」「つつ」「というものの」がたくさん書かれていると、読む人が途中でわけがわからなくなってしまう!

Don't try to be fancy. Try to be clear.

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